What Was Before

This game was made in Scratch and published there on June 16, 2022. It was made to just be a fun project, and there was nothing but a Jetpack Guy (still the same now) and an empty, white background. A few months (? days?) later, it got an update that added flying mushrooms (basically just things that rapidly fire at you) and also added a new character. Nothing was special about the character; it just had a new look. And then, next year (Maybe in August or July) I started remaking the project. I added new enemies (the bombs) and a new background. It looked a lot better. A few months later I wanted to further develop the project further, and so added a score counter thanks to a tutorial from Griffpatch. I also added a new type of bomb, the Red Bomb.  It doesn't spawn at random, it spawns at the X position of your Player. Soon I will be adding a menu to the game. 


Super Survival Bomb Tactics 10.html Play in browser
Sep 19, 2023

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